Anenecuilco con encanto

Anenecuilco de los Zapata está ubicado en el Hermoso Estado de Morelos, a 4 km al sur del centro de la Ciudad de Cuautla, sobre la carretera Cuautla-Jojutla. La principal vía de acceso es a través del Boulevard Emiliano Zapata. Conocido internacionalmente por un pasado histórico, cuyos orígenes se remontan al periodo prehispánico. La construcción de la sociedad en la comunidad de Anenecuilco muestra una identidad local derivada del protagonismo de hombres y mujeres que conscientes de su situación de identidad y valores locales conformaron un proceso histórico propio, fundamentado en torno a la defensa de sus recursos naturales específicamente su derecho a las tierras y aguas, esta trayectoria de participación social y de conciencia comunitaria tuvo como resultado la capacidad de originar el movimiento armado y de transformación social más importante del siglo XX en México, denominado como “La Revolución del Sur”.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

Who was Emiliano Zapata and why started a revolution?

Our grandparents say, that when Miliano was a child of only nine years,saw despoil the orchards and houses of the Anenecuilco's town, by order of the landowner Manuel Mendoza Cortina,did grow Cuahuixtla's fields upon the grounds of Anenecuilco.

“When the child saw his father cry in front of the enormous injustice.
—Father, why are you crying? He asked.
—Because they take away the land.
- Who? -Owners.
—¿And why not fight against them? - Because they are powerful.
— When I grow up, I'll have the land back again"

This is how a child grows with injustice and suffering of his people.So the beginning of the southern revolution was the day March 11, 191, when Emiliano took up arms along with his people,willing to give their lives to defend their land and freedom;appointed Calpulelque by the council of elders on September 12, 1909.

Emiliano Zapata, was one of the greatest heroes of the Mexican Revolution, influencing the whole country and all of Latin America; its main goal was to return the land to the peasants,lands that were stripped during the years, by the uncontrolled growth of big houses of landowners, which they were based on a system of farming and ranching.

During the Spanish conquest, in order to stimulate the occupation of the territories, virreinales certificates were awarded to Spaniards and naturals.
  Were these same titles with which peasants of Anenecuilco, They held a legal fight for nearly 300 years against the authorities,authorities that allowed the taking of landsby part of landowners of the big houses, and their fight never paid off, because they were never respect the legality of such documents, adding corruption,abuse and slavery in which the peasants lived. Among the big houses, peasant or farm workers were pawns task, some lived in the property for life,with their family;the salaries were of laugh from 15-31 cents a day,that they took them to live precariously,and that prevented the acquisitions for their livelihood.In this form is how was born the famous "company store", this was landowner's property, where they received credit to buy food, clothing or footwear,and the amount of debt that was growing every day for the peasant, it was never covered, and it was impossible to pay, forcing them to serve the big house for the rest of his life.

The pressure of the big houses to lands Anenecuilco increased more by the end of the nineteenth century, with the modernization and expansion of the neighboring big house of Coahuixtla, which acquired the land from the big house of Mapaztlan, modernized its industrial infrastructure and achieving a record sugar production.Also, the  productive success of Coahuixtla implied for the people of Anenecuilco loss their lands and the orchards of Olaque neighborhood, which they were acquired by the big house of Coahuixtla, by paying legally granted by the colonization law of 1886 sanctioned by President Porfirio Diaz.

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