Anenecuilco con encanto

Anenecuilco de los Zapata está ubicado en el Hermoso Estado de Morelos, a 4 km al sur del centro de la Ciudad de Cuautla, sobre la carretera Cuautla-Jojutla. La principal vía de acceso es a través del Boulevard Emiliano Zapata. Conocido internacionalmente por un pasado histórico, cuyos orígenes se remontan al periodo prehispánico. La construcción de la sociedad en la comunidad de Anenecuilco muestra una identidad local derivada del protagonismo de hombres y mujeres que conscientes de su situación de identidad y valores locales conformaron un proceso histórico propio, fundamentado en torno a la defensa de sus recursos naturales específicamente su derecho a las tierras y aguas, esta trayectoria de participación social y de conciencia comunitaria tuvo como resultado la capacidad de originar el movimiento armado y de transformación social más importante del siglo XX en México, denominado como “La Revolución del Sur”.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

The importance of the plan of Ayala[1]

The Plan de Ayala is a Revolutionary Plan, produced during the war of extermination of President Madero's goverment against the peasant population of the State of Morelos,signed on November 28, 1911 in Ayoxuxtla,Puebla,where the ideology of Emiliano Zapata was detailed and it was developed with the help of Professor Otilio Montaño Sanchez and local school teachers of Morelos.In this document was summarized scream: "Freedom, Justice and Law".

"Liberator Plan of the sons of the State of Morelos, affiliated with the Insurgent Army which defends the fulfillment of the Plan of San Luis,with the reforms he has believed convenient to increase per the benefit of the Mexican homeland.
Who subscribes, constituted at Revolutionary Board to support and carry out the promisesmade by the Revolution of November 20, 1910, immediate past, declare solemnly before the face of the civilized world which judges usand in front the nation to which we belong and love for this land, the purposes we have formulated to end tyrannythat oppresses us and redeem the homeland from dictatorship imposed on us... "

Main ideas of this document:
1º. Francisco I. Madero was declarated inept at realizing the promises of the revolution who authored,for betraying the principles with which mocked the people's will and he could climb power and it is unknown as Chief of the Revolution Mr. Francisco I. Madero and President of the Republic for the reasons previously expressedtrying to overthrow this official.

2º. The Revolutionary Council of the State of Morelos will admit no transactions or compromises until it achieves the overthrow of the dictatorial elements of Porfirio Díaz and Francisco I. Madero, because the nation is tired of false men and traitors who make promises like liberators, and the coming to power, they forget them and becometyrants.

3º. It must state: that the land, mountains and waters that landowners have usurped, scientific or caciques in the shadow of the venal justice, they come into possession of that real estate, of course, the people or citizens who have the titles corresponding to those properties,of which they have been stripped by the bad faith of our oppressors, maintaining at all costs, with arms in their hands, the mentioned possession, and the usurpers who consider themselves with rights to them,They will deduce it before the special courts established to the triumph of the Revolution.

4º. Given that the vast majority of Mexican pueblos and citizens are owners of no more than the land that they walkwithout anything to improve their social status or to engage in industry or agriculture,for to be monopolized in a few hands, land, forests and wáter; for this reason, prior compensation will be expropriated,  the third of those monopolies, the powerful owners of them so that the peoples and citizens of Mexico to obtain common,colonies, and founds for pueblos, or fields for sowing or laboringand it may improve in all and for all the lack of prosperity and welfare of Mexicans.

5º. The landowners, scientists or bosses who directly or indirectly are contrary to this Plan, their property and two thirds to which they relate will be nationalized,They will go to war reparations, pensions for widows and orphans of the victims who succumb in the struggles of the present Plan.

6º. To perform the procedures regarding the property above, the confiscation and nationalization laws apply,as required; as norm and example can be those laws put in force by the immortal Juarez on ecclesiastical properties,which punished the despots and conservatives who in every time have tried to impose on us the ignominious yoke of oppression and decline.

7º. Insurgent commanders of the Republic who rose up with guns in their hands to the voice of Don Francisco I. Madero,to defend the Plan of San Luis Potosi and to oppose strongly to the present Plan, They will be judged traitors to the cause defended and the Homeland, since today many of them to please tyrants, by a handful of coins or kickbacks or bribes, they are shedding the blood of their brothers who claim the fulfillment of the promises made to the nation Francisco I. Madero.

8º. If President Madero and other dictatorial elements of the current and former regime, want to avoid the immense misfortunes that afflict the homeland,and they have true feeling of love for her, do immediate renunciation of the posts they occupy and with that, something will staunch the grave wounds that have opened in the bosom of the Homeland,failure to do so as well, on their heads will fall the blood and the anathema of our brothers.

9º. Mexicans: consider that the cunning and bad faith of one man is shedding blood in a scandalous manner,for being unable to govern; Consider that its system of government is agarrotando of country and trampling with the brute force of bayonets our institutions; and our weapons to elevate to the Power, the weapons turn against him for failure to fulfill his commitments to the Mexican people and betraying the revolution initiated by him; we are not personalistic, we support the principles and not of men!

[1]Plan de Ayala, November 28, 1911, source

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