Anenecuilco con encanto

Anenecuilco de los Zapata está ubicado en el Hermoso Estado de Morelos, a 4 km al sur del centro de la Ciudad de Cuautla, sobre la carretera Cuautla-Jojutla. La principal vía de acceso es a través del Boulevard Emiliano Zapata. Conocido internacionalmente por un pasado histórico, cuyos orígenes se remontan al periodo prehispánico. La construcción de la sociedad en la comunidad de Anenecuilco muestra una identidad local derivada del protagonismo de hombres y mujeres que conscientes de su situación de identidad y valores locales conformaron un proceso histórico propio, fundamentado en torno a la defensa de sus recursos naturales específicamente su derecho a las tierras y aguas, esta trayectoria de participación social y de conciencia comunitaria tuvo como resultado la capacidad de originar el movimiento armado y de transformación social más importante del siglo XX en México, denominado como “La Revolución del Sur”.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

Where born Emiliano Zapata Salazar?

“Men, like trees, have their roots; as lassosthat bind them to their past, their race, their ambiance, their heritages, to the dead who gave them life, they inherited blood...(Sotelo Inclán, Raíz y Razón de Zapata)”

Emiliano Zapata Salazar, son of Gabriel Zapata, y Cleofas Salazar, born in a small town, called Anenecuilco, the August 8, 1879. In this place he started a little story of love to the land.
Anenecuilco de los Zapata, is located in the municipality of Ayala, in the beautiful State of Morelos, 4 km south of the center of the city of Cuautla,on the road Cuautla-Jojutla.It is known internationally for historical past, which dates back to pre-Hispanic period.
For centuries Mexico has experienced a series of events that have marked its history, mainly wars have been started by men loyal to the motherland,looking for the defense of their people and their land, this is the case of Anenecuilco, where started the fight for the defense of the natural resourcesspecifically their right to land and water, causing the armed movementand most important Mexico's social transformation of the twentieth century,It is known as "The Revolution of the South".

That's why Anenecuilcans is recognized worldwide as the birthplace of agrarismo,since the Zapatista ideology "Land and Freedom" has traveled the world, influencing great politicians and thinkers.

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